Femm allows you to solve magnetic, electrostatic, heat flow and current flow problems on two-dimensional planar and axis symmetric domains. It is important to remark what the problems refer to. Magnetic problems refer to low frequency magnetostatic or time-harmonic problems; electrostatic problems consider the behavior of electric field intensity and electric flux density; heat flow problems refer to steady-state heat conduction problems; current flow refers to quasi-electrostatic problems. For any kind of problems the number of boundary conditions must be defined properly in order to have a unique solution. Femm utilizes finite element analysis for the solution of problems. Once the problem is defined, it is analyzed in two stages, preprocessor and post processor stage. In the preprocessor stage the problem geometry must be drawn, and the materials and boundary conditions must be defined. In order to draw the initial geometry you can utilize the drawing mode buttons (point, line segment, arc segment, block label, and group modes) or import an Auto-CAD DXF format file. You can utilize the view manipulation commands to resize or move the view of the problem geometry and the grid. The postprocessor is used to view solutions and has three modes: in point values mode you can click on various points in the solution region; in contour mode you can define arbitrary contours in the solution region; in block mode you can define a sub domain in the solution region.
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